The CISRI (Collaborative Inter-governmental Scientific Research Institute) is public Intergovernmental Organization instituted by Treaty, registered at N. 37542 of the United Nations Treaty Series, according to Article 102 of the United Nations Charter which responding to the United Nations General Assembly Resolutions N A/60/L.36; A/60/L.37; A/60/L.39 (enhancement of security of humanitarian personnel), has established a Program for the Institutional Support of NGOs, Associations and Institutions with the aim to increase the security and the safety of their respective officers and volunteers, by the issuance of an official SAFE-CONDUCT.

The Use of the Safe-Conduct shall be regulated by the present Rules of Procedures and code of conduct and suitable of Amendments

The Safe Conduct consists in a passport-like booklet (22 pages with red cover, embossed in gold) with protective effect, to be used exclusively as a support of the national passport or ID, to provide enhanced safety and security for official missions of service.

The Safe Conduct, also called Safe-Conduct - Laissez Passer, is a Document exclusively valuable for PROVIDING PROTECTION and SECURITY of its Holder for lawful and moral institutional activities of public interest and if used for service purposes in strict observance of national and international laws and regulations in force.

This mandatory provision is clearly printed (in eight languages) at pag. 21-22 of each and any Safe-Conducts.

With the term service purposes, are intended institutional activities performed at the service of the Organization(s) which the Holder has quoted in its Application Form in the space reserved to the Applicant's Organization and hereinafter called: Holder's Organization and whose Chief Administrative Officer has countersigned the Holder's Application

The Holder can recommend its close relatives to CISRI , for the issuance of additional Safe-Conducts, subject to the same rules of procedures and code of conduct.

The Safe-Conduct cannot be used for private issues or to obtain personal benefit, privileges and immunities.

The Holder engages in having a lawful, moral and irrepressible civic conduct, under penalty of expulsion from the Safe Conduct Program and liability of economic compensation due, for the damage of image or other problems, in whatsoever way inflicted to the CISRI Organization for his (or her) inappropriate conduct or misuse of the Safe-Conduct

The Safe-Conduct cannot be utilized, in any whatsoever way to open or establish bank accounts or to institute legal or economical proceedings. The Safe-Conduct is and stays exclusively a protective item for facilitating its holder in the accomplishment of his/institutional duties at the service of his/her Organization through the request of the CISRI Organization to allow him/her pass without hindrance and to extend to him/her such assistance and protection as may be necessary.
The only effect of the Safe Conduct is to increase the safety and the security of its holder for official duty at the service of his/her relevant Organization(s)

The Safe Conduct Holder is responsible for the correct use of Safe-Conduct.

The CISRI Organization bears NO RESPONSIBILITY for the use of Safe-Conduct, which is a prerogative of the holder.

An holder which uses the Safe-Conduct unlawfully commits a crime and is shall be prosecuted.

If the Holder of the Safe-Conduct is expelled, radiated or terminates his (or her) work at the service of the Organization quoted in his /her Application form, the Safe Conduct Organization must be returned to the CISRI Organization,

Should an officer "migrate" from its relevant Organization, quoted in Application Form to another Organization, the Safe-Conduct can be re-issued for free until its legal expiry under the New Organization's Chief Administrative Officer's Signature.

In case of death, inability, judicial condemnation or penal sanctions against the Safe Conduct holder, the document expires and must be immediately rendered to the CISRI Organization


The Safe-Conduct is considered ineffective, withdrawn and cancelled for the following Administrative or Judicial reasons.

Administrative reasons:

Absence of Renewal
Is the Safe -Conduct is not duly renewed after five years, it must be considered expired and must be immediately rendered to the CISRI Organization.

Use of an expired Safe-Conduct
If a Safe-Conduct is utilized after its date of expiry, it must be considered invalid, void and cancelled.

Ad-Hoc evaluation
The Secretariat of CISRI retains always the right to cancel or suspend a Safe-Conduct on a case-by case basis for security or public safety reasons.

Judicial Reasons:

Suspension of Civil rights
If the bearer of the Safe-Conduct is (temporarily) incapable to exercise his civil rights, (interdiction, suspension of civil rights and so on), the Safe-Conduct must be considered suspended for that period. If the incapacity of performing civil rights becomes permanent, the CISRI Safe Conduct expires and must be returned to the CISRI Organization by the Head of the Holder's Organization.

If a safe conduct is confiscated by a Public Authority, it must be considered expired (see after)

Violation of the Code of Conduct
If any of the provisions of the Code of Conduct governing the use of the Safe-Conduct is violated, it must be considered withdrawn with immediate effect and sent back to the CISRI Organization.

Criminal prosecution
If the bearer of a Safe-Conduct commits an unlawful act, of whichever nature, but implying penal consequences and is judicially prosecuted, the Safe-Conduct must be considered immediately cancelled. In such a case the person loses the right to have another Safe-Conduct.

Theft, Loss or Destruction of Safe-Conduct

The theft, loss or destruction of the Safe-Conduct must be immediately denunciated through the:

It is warmly suggested to keep the Safe Conduct in good custody, without altering or mutilating it in any whatsoever way. An altered or mutilated Safe-Conduct is considered ineffective and cancelled.

The denunciation of theft, loss or destruction of a Safe-Conduct is a legal obligation and has to be performed with double signature, by the individual Holder of the Safe-Conduct and by the Chief Administrative Officer of the Holder's Organization, to prevent misuses and frauds.

If the circumstances of the Loss, Theft or Destruction of a Safe Conduct appears suspect, the Holder is excluded from the CISRI Safe Conduct Program and the fact is reported to his (or her) respective National Police

Five Years Term Renewal

The Safe Conduct is a property of the CISRI Organization and, every five years, it must be sent back by recorded mail, to the CISRI Offices as quoted in the CISRI internet website, for due-diligence procedures, legal control and renewal, to be requested with the RENEWAL FORM

An expired or altered CISRI Safe-Conduct must be immediately sent back to the CISRI Organization.

Should an expired Safe Conduct be not sent to the CISRI within the peremptory term of sixty days from the expiration date, the Holder may be excluded from the CISRI-DSS Program and the fact shall be reported to the Competent Police Authority of the Bearer's Country.

Should the Bearer be dead or incapable to remit his Safe-Conduct to CISRI, the Chief Administrative Officer of his (or her) Organization must communicate the circumstances to the CISRI Headquarter in official form

Damage of Safe-Conduct

If a Safe-Conduct has been seriously damaged, the Holder's Organization under which a given Diplomatic Safe-Conduct was issued, must report to CISRI through the MODEL FOR DENUNCIATION OF DAMAGE OR DETERIORATION OF SAFE- CONDUCT, signed by its Chief Administrative Officer and the damaged Safe Conduct must be sent back to the CISRI Headquarters, to be substituted with a new copy with the same temporal extension. The dossier must be transmitted by recorded mail, together with two additional photos.

Confiscation of Safe-Conduct by Public Authority

Should a Safe-Conduct be confiscated by a competent legal Authority, it cannot be re-issued any more in favour of the same holder, except in case of abuse of Authority and/or violation of civil rights performed by the confiscating Authority, so declared by a competent Judicial Court declaring such a confiscation as an act implying an abuse of power or a violation of civil rights.

This is due to the fundamental character of the Safe-Conduct: which can be used solely for purposes of service and in strict observance of national and international laws and regulations in force.

Duplication of Deteriorated Safe-Conduct

In case of deterioration of a Safe-Conduct (but still readable in all its parts), the deteriorated Safe Conduct must be sent to the CISRI Organization to be substituted with a new copy with the same temporal extension through the MODEL FOR DENUNCIATION OF DAMAGE OR DETERIORATION OF SAFE- CONDUCT, signed by the Chief Administrative Officer of the Holder's Organization, together with the relative forfeit reimbursement fee (100 Euros)

Should the expiry of a deteriorated Safe-Conduct be very close, it' s possible to obtain a renewed Safe-Conduct on a new booklet, with the sole renovation fee, by the RENEWAL FORM .

The relevant Authorities may have access to a security control to verify the correspondence between the data inserted in the Safe-Conduct and the identity of its holder. In this specific case the Safe-Conduct number shall be inserted in the space reserved to "VERIFICATION PROCEDURES" in the CISRI Member section, using the (PIN code- Personal Identification Number, provided with the Safe-Conduct ), as password. This procedure is reserved to the Holder of the Safe-Conduct, to the Chief Administrative Officer of his/her Organization and to the relevant Police Authorities.
The present Rules of Procedure may be subject to amendments by the CISRI Intergovernmental Organization.

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